mercredi 16 mars 2011

Skatebook vs Fox...

Vous avez peut-être reçu ce mail de Mike Ballard concernant le gros livre Skatebook :

"First the bad news, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and its related entities (collectively "Fox") is sueing Skatebook for paying tribute too and turning Bart Simpson Pro, illustrating him ripping the most famous spots in skateboarding's history. So more than likely Skatebook is a wrap because of the legal fees and cost this suit will bring down on this non profit dig. Second if your selling this classic book Fox is demanding it be pulled from the shelf's and destroyed or else.

But the good news is, your classic edition of "Skatebook Lance Mountain Edition" will surely go up in worth, it will probably be worth more then the coveted Cardial cover book that has recently been sold for 240 bucks on

We will keep everyone posted on the case, pray for us that we can somehow survive the wrath of the Fox Intellectual Property Department, they seem to think Skatebook is a big company with deep pockets.

From the entire Skatebook staff, (meaning me, myself and I)

Thanks for your support, Mike Ballard"

Si oui vous êtes donc déjà au courant et ce post vous est complètement inutile, dans le cas contraire vous êtes désormais informés que la pauvre petite entreprise qu'est la Fox est en train de casser les couilles au "richissime" Mike Ballard pour trois croquis jaunes... enfin cliquez plutôt ici pour accéder à l'analyse agréablement acidulée de PIF!

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